Shaolin Cemetary Stupa

Buddha Zhen
Founder of Shaolin Chi Mantis, Shaolin Zen, Tai Chi Youth, and Buddha Kung Fu

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         End of the Line
             released July 4, 2014

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Tai Chi Magic is Done!

  2008 was the launch of BUDDHA KUNG FU schools in Los Angeles, California, by Buddha Zhen.
2009 is the relaunching of TAI CHI YOUTH nonprofit , founded 1996 by Richard Del Connor, Buddha Zhen.

Montrose, California – February 8, 2009 - Shaolin Records Studio: TAI CHI MAGIC 1 album by Buddha Zhen, has been mastered at Shaolin Records.

TAI CHI MAGIC is the first album to be released by Buddha Zhen.

Originally released in 2007, when his students referred to him as, "Master Zhen," instead of, "Buddha Zhen." This 4-track album was used for dozens of performances, exhibitions, and fairs.

Sorry it’s taken so long, but as an elderly Mason said to me last year, “All things in their own time.”

So go to

I’m also sorry this is such a tough year. It’s made me realize that every year is a tough year, but that sometimes we can ignore or avoid the “tough” or uncomfortable aspects of life that loom so closely.

Ignore the toughness of life? Yep.

As I tell my students, “Everything is hard, if you think that way. Getting out of bed can be hard. Cooking dinner can be hard...if you think of anything as “hard.” So let’s take these limiting concepts out entirely. As I said before, “Stick to your plans.”

Everything in my life is “hard,” so I decided a long time ago that, “nothing is hard.” I will do whatever I have to do, no matter how hard it is.

While I’m busy inspiring myself also, I’d like to share another insight/wisdom/zen that’s been bubbling in my brain this last month:

So don’t let desperation change your logic or decisions because your future possibilities will be affected dramatically by all your decisions now. Just like deciding to exercise regularly will affect your future possibilities so will the opportunities and jobs you select also affect your future.

Using reality to motivate you is great, but think positive and keep your dreams!

Me? I remastered the TAI CHI MAGIC 1 album this month and wrote a new book, KUNG FU COWBOY ORIGINAL DRAFT.

I’m still believing in my dreams too!

Podcast 18
of the Zen Buddhist Podcast
hosted by Buddha Zhen
of the Cybertemple.

Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang,
founder of the CyberTemple
shares his unique Chan-style Zen Buddhism
discussing religions, relationships, and relativity.

"Irish people are Jewish."


"Irish are the lost tribe of Israel."

"Irish people will not be smoted by God."     (Continuing about the Bible reading with his daughter at a local church.)

The lost tribe were the warriors of Israel who became mercernaries, conqured Corsica, and southern Portugal before migrating to Ireland where they decimated the indigenous people, then appearing for the first time in history as "The Celts."

Buddha Zhen reassures that since Irish people are "the lost tribe of Israel," that God will treat them as his "chosen children."

Buddha Zhen tells HIS VERSION of the BIG BANG THEORY describing our entire reality dimension to be a "Burp of Matter" from colliding dimensions...we're living in a universal burp...

Buddha Zhen warns us of upcoming podcasts that will reveal some of his previous spiritual journeys in Lakota Pipe Ceremonies.

Aliens are Gods? Tabulating historical smotes by God, leads Buddha Zhen to believe that...

Germany owns Los Angeles foreclosures in San Fernando similar to the screenplay, Chinatown, starring Jack Nicholson, written by Robert Towne.

"Wonderment of what reality is."

#   #   #


is the Press Release of Buddha Zhen, Zhen Shen-Lang, Spirit Wolf of Truth, founder of

Buddha Zhen:   Author, Kung Fu Master, Tai Chi Master, Zen Buddhist Master, Life Coach

Buddha Zhen:   Composer, Flute, Bamboo Flutes, Shakuhachi, Pipa, Drums, Songwriting, and Poetry

iTunes BUDDHA ZHEN albums

iTunes BUDDHA ZHEN ZEN Tai Chi Magic album

Be Zen Get Zhen
You can be a Buddha too
12 Step Kung Fu Bootcamp

CD Cover
Buddha Zhen's 1st album


Subject of Photo:   Buddha Zhen at Gil Gal
Related Album:  Tai Chi Magic 1
Related Story:   Mormon Zen Gardens of Zhen


Book Cover
by Buddha Zhen

Buddha Kung Fu Student Manual

Subject of Photo:   Buddha Zhen's Monk Spade
Related Album:  Tai Chi Magic 1
Related Story:   Building A Shaolin Monk Spade


12' Banner at CV Park
Buddha Zhen's Working Person Kung Fu

12 Step 12 Week Kung Fu Bootcamp

Subject of Photo:   Banner at CV Park, CA
Related Book:  BKF Student Manual
Related Story:   Bootcamp Tear Sheets


About Shaolin Records
Shaolin Records was launched in 1984, releasing vinyl records and cassette tapes of Kung Fu music from Santa Monica, California. With its' independent record label spirit and Buddhist objectives, Shaolin Records hopes to 'enlighten and entertain.'

Media Contact:
Richard Del Connor
Producer, Shaolin Records

About Buddha Zhen
Zhen Shen-Lang "Truth Spirit-Wolf" or Spirit Wolf of Truth (The Chinese always put last name first.)
Shaolin Chi Mantis was founded in 1992 when Buddha Zhen decided that would be the name of his Kung Fu school. Although he had been teaching Tai Chi and Kung Fu since 1984, it was without a school name. The name Shaolin Chi Mantis represents the three Kung Fu styles mastered by Buddha Zhen at the Tai Mantis Federation school in Redondo Beach from 1982 to 1984. In 1996 Master Zhen created the Tai Chi Youth nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity organization for troubled youth. Buddha Zhen founded the Buddha Kung Fu school in 2008 which includes the Buddha Tai Chi, Shaolin Kids , and 12 Step 12 Week Kung Fu Bootcamp programs.

Media Contact:
Buddha Zhen


   Page Title:   PRESS RELEASE Buddha Zhen FEBRUARY 2009




Shaolin Communications-Bringing light to the internet.


This page created by Richard Del Connor.

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