Artist: American
Author: The
Coyote, The Hippy Coyote
Project Format: pdf
book download
Price: $4.44
Publisher-Editor: Richard
O'Connor, (Richard Del Connor)
Book Publisher: Shaolin
Release Date: 2/4/2007
Newly Released with new
cover art: Coyote on His Chopper
poetry book was typed on paper using an IBM Selectric II typewriter.
The copy of these lyrics and poems carried in Coyote's notebook
to Salt Lake City band rehearsals, was used for a scanning master to make this book. This
book is the blueprint and map of American Zen's first two albums, which were
written and recorded in Utah.
Since 1964, the poetry of Coyote depicts the many phases of his
life. This poetry book, UTAH
PHASE 1, includes the lyrics and poetry
used in the American Zen albums, LEVEL
1 = PEACE OF MIND and the highly acclaimed
2 = CHRIST KILLER cd. Many of
these poems in the book were not included on either of the American Zen albums, and some
poems have not been used in any of the websites either--they only exist
poetry also depicts the spiritual evolution of Coyote and his bandmates
as they pursue a "Buddhist Journey of Enlightenment."

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albums by American Zen: