Artist: American
Author: The
Project Format: mp3
song downloads individually, or as album
Price: $8.88 album,
0.88 song, 0.44 poem
Record Producer: Richard
Record Label: Shaolin
Release Date: 2/4/2005

Join the "Buddhist
Journey" of America's first Buddhist rock band, American
Zen. Led by flutist, poet, photographer, The Coyote of San Diego,
Raised on the outskirts
of the city with rattlesnakes, rabbits, and coyotes in his backyard,
our gifted nature boy is led astray to Utah by a blonde girl. Dumped,
abandoned, and stranded in Utah, Coyote attempts to build a new
life in this Christian frontier.
song, "Whose
Heaven Is This?,"
details his pleas to the Mormons to stop harrassing and threatening
him. In California, his nickname was "Smiley Coyote,"
but in Utah, Coyote realizes that "Peace
Of Mind," is what
he desires most.
