Artist: Buddha
Talent: Buddha
Author: Zhen
Shen-Lang, Spirit Wolf of Truth
Project Format: VIDEO
FILE download
Price: $18.88
Movie Producer: Richard
Del Connor
Film and Video Director: Richard
Del Connor
Movie Production Company: Shaolin
Record Label: Shaolin
Record Producer: Richard
Del Connor
Mixing: Richard
Del Connor
Mastering: Richard
Del Connor
Release Date: 4/8/2013
Distributors: Shaolin
Communications, see
links below
Designed in 1994, this is
the 2nd Kung Fu workout created by Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang.
Wanting to add some other
weapons and Kung Fu Forms to his daily workouts, Buddha Zhen created
a second 1-hour cassette that he would practice to.
"I used songs by
myself, and some songs by other artists. The song, "Lithium,"
by Nirvana, was one of my favorites for practicing the double sabres.
So this collection of songs will include some hard rock songs to
inspire you as I've been inspired in the past," explains
Buddha Zhen.
for release 2026
For ALL the Beginner Level Workouts
