Author: Zhen,
Shen-Lang, Spirit Wolf of Truth (Richard Del Connor)
Project Format: pdf
BOOK download
Price: $48.00
Publisher-Editor: Richard
Del Connor
Book Publisher: Shaolin
Release Date: First
Edition: 1992, Third Edition: 6/4/2012
All the information
was pulled from this book. This book, the original 1992 notebook
with 444 pictures detailing the Yoga stretching and entire Yang
Style Tai Chi Short Form of Shaolin Chi Mantis, is now available
in this digital design created for PDFs to be viewed on computers, or phones.
This is a large
enough notebook to fit one or two other student manuals into. (Print
double-sided on 24# or 28# paper.)
This book is PRINTED
FOR YOU. Some notebook dividers include sections for your
"Belt Test Approval Sheet," and
"Report Cards."