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Richard Coyote

Poster Cover for Oboy Music Movie by Richard Del Connor



Cool price.

THIS One "Song Single" = 8 SONGS.
You have to listen to them all in order.
Like in the old days...

  Utah Rock Opera

I found this cassette tape. It was labeled as "Richard Coyote" and was recorded before I got the 'Sacred Drum Machine in 1994.'

So, by my Hippy Logic: this album, released locally on cassette tape, was made to be listened to as a "Side A and a Side B."

I did this already with the "COYOTE GRAVEYARD ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK." Also a cassette master that I released as TWO SONGS containing a dozen songs.

This ALBUM is ONE PLAYLIST of 8 songs combined into one 30 minute ALBUM SONG. The songs are listed on the album cover in their order.

Enjoy. I think I'll listen to this album tonight before I go to bed. It brings back lots of memories.



Poster Cover for Oboy Music Movie by Richard Del Connor


Official Website of American Zen

Richard Del Connor

The first rock opera by Richard Del Connor was "Underground" in 1975.

Book Cover for novel: Sid's Place by Richard Del Connor

This would later become the novel, Sid's Place by Richard Del Connor in 1983.


Richard Del Connor =
Kung Fu Cowboy

Album website with song samples and...

LEVEL 4 = Kung Fu Cowboy PART 1: King Solomon's Temple
Buy direct from Shaolin Records


Kung Fu Cowboy Scorpion Resurrection

Richard Del Connor

Debut album of Kung Fu Cowboy = PRODUCED by Richard Del Connor at Shaolin Records Studios.

Join the Kung Fu Cowboy at Shaolin Records "Where Buddha Rocks!"

You can also find the Kung Fu Cowboy at
Kung Fu Cowboy HOMEPAGE


YouTube videos of The Kung Fu Cowboy

Music NFTs of Shaolin Records

NFTs are a graphic.
But you can ADD MUSIC to them.
Shaolin Records has been creating MUSIC NFTs since 2020.
Purchase a SONG plus a PHOTO from the album/artist...
PLUS: We can add hundreds of words in THE NFT DESCRIPTION that can provide LINKS + INFO.

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