THC The Hippy Coyote
Author: The Coyote
Project Format: live
in-studio recordings
Price: 88 cents per song
Product Formats: 320kb mp3 download (PayPal)
Music Publisher: Shaolin Music
Record Company: Shaolin
Release Dates: Recorded 2003, Released 2013
Coyote developed a unique drum beat by slapping his guitar in a couple different places to produce different sounding drums. Coyote would play guitar, play the drum beat, and sing at the same time.
Coyote would really play this song loud and sing it loud. His neighbors complimented him on this song.
The original recording of this song was by THE RICH in 1979 at The Villiage Recorder Studio. Fleetwood Mac was in the adjacent studio room. Stevie Nicks hung out during these recording sessions.
Shaolin Records SONG
DOWLOADS 88¢ each. |
Samples |
Song Title |
Song Recording Quality |
0.88 each |
"Backseat Love" 2003 |
(professional quality studio recording) |