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Kung Fu Cowboy & Zombie Three

Kung Fu Cowboy
Kung Fu Cowboy & Zombie Three

Lively afterlife!


Meet The Zombies music album

Artist:   Kung Fu Cowboy & Zombie Three
Author:   Richard Del Connor "Kung Fu Cowboy"
Project Format:   ALBUM download
Price:   $3.99
Record Label:   Shaolin Records
Record Producer:  Richard Del Connor

Mixing:  Richard Del Connor
Mastering:  Richard Del Connor
Release Date:   
Distributors:  Shaolin Communications, see links below

Nazi Zombies is the debut album by Kung Fu Cowboy & Zombie Three.

This union of life and death began during the summer of 2015 after Richard Del Connor completed the screenplay, Kung Fu Cowboy: Meet The Zombies.

5 SONGS:   (click song title for SAMPLE)    Song Samples BELOW

Nazi Zombies
Nazi Vampires
Gold Rush Vampire
Zombie Halloween
Empty Beds

   Download the entire album for $3.99

PAYPAL BUTTON HERE (when album is released)

"Zombie Christmas (No Bones)" is available now >>>


Clean Zombie - surf guitar

Fuzz Zombie - heavy metal guitar

Bone Banger Zombie - percussion


Richard Del Connor - coyote guitar